The types of women men should avoid



The types of women men should avoid

As statistic worldwide has continue to show that women are becoming uncontrollably outnumbering men, this has unsurprisingly burgeoning the rate at which women are exceedingly available to men causing a hard choice to make for men. 

Although, the number can be in favour of men, selecting a female partner should be with care so for the guys not to have an everlasting regret.

The following is the characters of women you should never date nor marry.

  1. Dependent women: they won’t date you for who you are but for what you have, they are looking for guys to leech on. This set of ladies screen, the guy guy they say "yes" to base on what they know they can earn from you financially. In fact such ladies don't waste time to pull out of relationship when they sense that things is going sour for their guys. They have the tendency of breeding bastards.
  2. Ladies with extravagant lifestyle but little income: This set of ladies bite more than what they could chew, burden their men and fake it when they don't have. In fact the ladies of this category always want to feel belong and can easily be tempted by the lifestyle of their friends, asking their boyfriends for finance to match the lifestyle of their friends causing unnecessary burden on the guys. They are always in competition with their friends.
  3. Too religious and didactic ladies: This set of ladies try to conform everything to religion and far way too boring to deal with, in fact, they indirectly force their guys outside to commit sexual immorality as their guys try to look for sociable ladies who are always fun to be with. Most of these ladies are not humourous at all, and always forming serious sisters. They are not always free with their men as they pretend to abide by the religious rule, but are always open to others when they are far from their residence or where they are well known. They hardly have time for you but have respect for and can spend hours with one guy claimed to be their pastor, choir mistress or one popular dedicated guy in their church to whom they are congenial. They fall easily to the deleterious and fake prophesy or direction of their claimed man of God.
  4. The femínísts: These ones have been so unlucky with relationships, they’ve been so heart broken all their Iives that they now detest men, don’t go and suffer for the damages chidi, chibuzo, hameed, Tunde, Ayo and Emmanuel made, a damage you know nothing about. You’ll regret it. In fact, many feminist would always try to dictate your life and ensure whatever they say or want supercede yours. They have ego and mostly prefer to be single mums, so losing you is not a big deal to them.
  5. Everybody’s women: There are women that are for all of us, everybody. These set of women are called the community donors. They post half naked pictures on the internet to entertain all of us, they live a promiscuous life, they are cheerful punani givers, mostly transactional for your own pleasure, such women are just for fun, and shouldn’t be taken seriously. If you're dating a girl who's sharing her dance and twerking videos on TikTok, Facebook stories and Instagram; there are two things involved: one she's marketing herself using her body or you're dating a wo who has nothing to offer than her body. When a woman is beautiful but without brain, her private part will suffer the most from horny boys. When the head is empty, the body keeps vibrating to find equilibrium. Ladies like this cannot give you what they don't have. It doesn't take intelligence to twerk on social media, even a mad person can do that.

If you end up dating such women, never forget she’s yours, but the "Y" is silent. Don’t make that mistake, they are not relationship and marriage  materials, pity your self except you want a flinging things with them.

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